Wednesday, October 29, 2014

No Pain No Gain (free Uber ride)

Not going to talk your ear off. I have class in a hour and I missed posting yesterday so.......Check out my first webisode for my series i'm doing on youtube. You help me and I can help you: 

Every journey has its ups and downs. The car I was using went R.I.P yesterday so I have to figure out how to get to class. I just signed up for Uber and think i'm going to try them out tonight. Wish a brotha luck!
If you haven't used Uber yet downlaod the app, sign up and use my promo code: jimmyv55
You will get up to a $30 dollar free ride for your first ride.
Like Drake once said Thank Me Later!

"When my story's told how will they tell it? Will they say I was a giver or remember I was selfish?"' J.Cole

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad
Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

Monday, October 20, 2014

Two Guys Dream Chasing

Another Tuesday, another blog post. Don't have much to say (like I always say) but need to share the October Inspirational Story of the Month featuring Dell Best. Dell and I have known each other for a few years now. He first adventured over here to California at the beginning of 2013 pursuing his rap career. I first realized his rapping talent when we were about 17 or 18. Its a funny story, I had a 1996 Volkswagon Jetta and hosted a rap battle in my car. It was Dell versus another friend of mine that flows as well. Long story short Dell showed his versatile flow and I knew at that point that he can accomplish great things. He's come a long way and I'm excited for his career. He has already completed his album and has a music video out. We are both over here in California pursuing our dreams. Its assuring to know I have a hometown/state friend over here dream chasing with me. So...1. Please watch the interview I did for the month of October feat. Dell Best

And 2. Visit his website and check his album out "The Best View". You can purchase a hard copy or get the digital download through Itunes. We all have to support each other.

Lastly, I want to begin creating weekly webisodes which I will post on my Youtube channel. But, I'm just not sure of what topics to speak on. The webisodes are a way to connect with my audience (like you reading this right now) and at the same time read the feedback from everyone. Plus, I can make it real fun. So if you have ANY IDEAS (ANY!!!!!!!!!!! that can relate to BYOD or the message I'm giving) please comment so I can get this ball rolling.

BTW the idea I had in my previous post about traveling to Haiti and creating a documentary is looking like its a green light. Not going to rush it but I hope I can accomplish this goal in 2015.

"I'm a chase my dream, Coming to America like Prince Akeem"-Meek Mill

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad
Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Idea of a lifetime!

Wassup Wasssup Wasuup! So listen to this.....

I just came back from my hosting classes and got hit like a ton of bricks with a idea. I'm so excited that I had to sit down and tell you guys. So I have my brand beyourowndad and it has been a rollercoaster ride I tell you. The great thing I love about my brand is I can do what I want with it. For example, today I finished filming the October inspirational story featuring Boston's own Dell Best. I'll be editing the footage and getting that to you guys as soon as possible.
My ultimate mission for the brand is inspire and motivate. I've been blessed with the greatest chance in the world because I am my mother's son. Boy! I wish I could share with you her life story because it's amazing what she has done and accomplished. She has came straight from Haiti and made it in America! In due time i'll share her story. It's not time yet.

But, to get back on topic of my idea!!! I asked myself how can I inspire and motivate? How about traveling to Haiti and making a positive effect on the young children of Haiti! If I can get in contact with a teacher in Haiti and be able to work out some way to teach his class for a certain period of time (maybe a week or so) I know I can make a change.  I know, I know your thinking wow slow down Jimmy are you thinking straight? Let me tell you I previously said in my most recent blog post I just finished reading the book "The Alchemist". And what I took from the book is we all have a life journey. Our life journey is our calling. The book i'm reading now "The Secret" shares that once you find your calling the universe will move out your way and the law of attraction comes into effect. You begin to attract people and events start to happen to reach your calling. This isn't just random. You ever find yourself in a better situation because you thought you made a mistake but it worked out in the end? That's the universe working things out for you.

So to get to my point I ran into my crib and shared with my mother my idea. She loves it and shared with me that fact that she had a random thought earlier to give her friend in Haiti a call. The "ironic" part or the universe talking to me is that her friend has connections with teachers in Haiti!!!! Now what are the chances that I get struck with this amazing idea and she happens to know somebody that can make it happen? BeYourOwnDad traveling to Haiti to film a documentary of my mother returning to her home land and as a team we help better children of the third world country Haiti....How does that sound? I would love feedback!

"If the truth is told, the youth can grow
Then learn to survive until they gain control"-Nas

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Knowledge Is Key

"Knowledge is Key" has been my new phrase lately. If you follow me on social networks such as twitter and snapchat you know I have repeatedly said the phrase over and over. I recently read the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho and all I can say is "WOW"! You ever get that feeling that you missed out on something good? Well that's how I felt after finishing the book. I don't want to ruin the book for those who haven't read it but I strongly suggest going out and picking it up. I enjoyed it so much I passed it on to a friend so he can learn from the book as well.

Now I know the people who have never opened up a book are saying "Read a book? What a nerd! You remember back in grade school when the teacher would constantly choose you or pick you first because you always knew the answer to a question. The "bullies" of the class would laugh and label you a teacher's pet or something like that. From that point on you don't like being made fun of so you choose not to answer questions in class. Let's examine that situation for a second shall we: (takes out magnifying glass) we would get teased because we knew the answer to a question. In other words because we succeeded in studying at that time and others were jealous of that so they chose to "hate". Ultimately, you second guess YOUR participation because of others. As children and teens we developed a mind set of acting a certain way to not get judged or labeled. What we need to do as we get older and "MATURE!" is undo those thoughts and actions. We were all born in our unique way to succeed. What happens is "friends", "teachers" and even adult figures tell us what we are doing is wrong so we change our actions because of them.

Easiest way to explain this is you just got out the shower. You're as clean as a baby's bum. You begin to progress in some way but your "friends" say you study too much or practice too much. There throwing dirt onto you! Now you continue in life with this dirt on you so you don't study or practice as much as before. Only hurting yourself in the long run because of what someone told you. What we all MUST do is shower ourselves of all the dirt we have ever been told and trust our instincts. Only do what your insides tell you. Don't do what others tell you because others don't always have your best interest....Feel me?

I'm gonna leave you guys with this: I think we can all agree the team that scores the most points in a game is the winner correct? OK how about the person with 1,000,000 dollars in their bank account is more rich money wise than the person with only 100 dollars correct? OK so why not choose to increase your knowledge by reading a book if we all know the more you have of something the greater chance your "winning"? Am I making sense or just typing for no reason........

I'm now reading "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne......Knowledge is Key everyone

"Street smart, and I’m book smart"-Jay Z

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Positivety brings progress!

Change is constant and apart of life. We all have to approach change with a positive mindset. Just like starting off the week. If you wake up Monday morning already complaining then you will have a horrible start of the week. Ask yourself when was the last time you went to a party or club and told yourself you were gonna have a good time? I bet you had a ball! Now think of the same scenario and difference is you told yourself you "couldn't" have a good time because you were in a bad mood or whatever. You were probably in the corner all night mean muggin everybody.

What I'm trying to get at is we need to approach life with the same idea about having a good time at a party. If we tell ourselves we will then it's going to happen. Everyday is a opportunity! Rain, shine, or snow each day brings it's own lesson. We need to capitalize on that day. What I'm about to say is much easier to say then do but leave the past in the past! We can't change what happen yesterday so why stress about it today? It just ruins your day and now you wasted a day because of what happened yesterday or the day before. Once you get that down packed and apply it to your life you will be happier. I'm telling you.

Life in Cali is good so far. Had my first hosting class last week and it was cool. Instructor told me based on my performance I may had gotten the gig if I was at an audition. Keyword is MAY! Which means I was almost there but not fully. So I just have to practice everyday and master the craft. They say practice makes perfect....I say practice makes progression. I have class tomorrow night so I will see what's in store for me. 

Yesterday something told me to make a video and I did. Please watch the whole video and share with anybody that you know

"I don't know what my calling is, but i want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to to be like the greatest people who have ever lived" -Will Smith
I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.
Will Smith - See more at:
I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.
Will Smith - See more at:
I don’t know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.
Will Smith - See more at:

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

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