Saturday, May 23, 2015


What do you do when you don't know where your going? I think many of us can relate.....

We wake up...go to a job that pays our a place that we eat what we can afford to put on our tables....and we call this living....

I'm currently laying down on a bed in a hotel room in San Diago. My mother and I took a little vacation this Memorial Day Weekend. Earlier...we had a conversation talking about how people can't see past where they are. People will work just ENOUGH to pay their bills. Make just ENOUGH to have a little extra at the end of the week to buy a bottle and think they accomplished something. Now Lemme say I'm not a hypocrite. I'm a slave to Hennessy and Coronnas after a long week but there's a voice in my head that's always asking me "Is this it"? 

And me and moms aren't philosophers or highly educated professors . We just think past the day, week, and month. What is the overall outcome? What is our PURPOSE? 

Last week I watched a documentary on Muhammed Ali. In one scene he was speaking with his daughter explaining to her everything has a purpose. The sun has a purpose for the Earth. The bees have a purpose for the flowers. Believe it or not, little insects on the floor that we stomp out and make them apart of the bottom of our shoe have a purpose. 

So let me ask you this....What is your purpose? Why are you hear? Can you see that your worth is more than just the "ENOUGH" paycheck that you make every week or every other week? CAN YOU SEE PAST TODAY? 

You may be asking do I know my purpose? No I don't....but I do know clocking in and clicking out isn't the answer to that question....

If you haven't seen my latest YouTube video check it out here: 

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad 
Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Month of May

This month of the year is always special because its a month of celebration. GRADUATIONS!!!!!!!!!! are left and right. To be apart of a graduation is a blessing in its self. Its the event that everyone has been waiting for. The long nights of studying, the tests, the homework, the presentations......o man let me chill out. I'm already getting a headache just thinking about it. If Google and I weren't so cool than my grades......let me get to my point of this blog. I'm talking about reaching the finishline...

Its a great accomplishment to graduate and earn that degree, diploma, or certificate. Your moving up in the world right....but besides the physical award let me share what it does for you mentally. Graduating is your testimony letting everyone and yourself know that "I had a plan and I stuck to that plan". Its saying "I talk the talk and walk the walk". Anyone can start something new. Whether it be school, a project, a new venture, whatever.....making sure you make it to the finishline is what counts. Keeping somewhat of a focus throughout the process and finishing is what builds you mentally. If it took 4, 5, or 6 years to graduate...imagine what you can accomplish when you put that same effort and time into an idea or dream that you have.

Thats my wisdom for this week. Big s/o to everyone graduating this month CONGRATULATIONS its a great feeling. Now go out into this world and make a difference. Or try too...

When was the last time you checked out the website!?! Click the link below!

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad 
Twitter, Instagram, and Vine: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Vegas '15

I been slacking big TIME!!! I know, I know. I'm over here preaching to you guys putting in hard work and i'm over here slacking on my pimping (not really pimping). But, i'm getting re-focused. I need you guys to keep me on my toes and call me out when I don't post a new blog post or video. My goal is to post one of each every week. So if you don't see a new blog post by the end of the week CALL MY ASS OUT! Cuz i'm being a major hypocrite. I don't just talk the talk I walk the walk too. So keep it real with me and ill continue to keep it real with you guys.

I had to get away to get re-focused. A little vacation you can call it. Where did I go? Ya boy went to Vegas for the BIG fight of course. Was the fight equal to the excitement for the actual event? HELL NO! But, big s/o to Floyd because the objective is to win the fight...any way possible. So if that means hugging up on your opponent like its the 3rd date then do what you gotta do. NO shade being thrown because i'm a huge Floyd Mayweather fan. He is a clear example of hardwork and dedication. Congrats on the win champ 48-0.

While in Vegas I was able to show some support to someone who's been on her grind I must say. Shes been building her brand FitThick for sometime now and when the opportunity to meet her presented itself I said why not. I always like to support others cuz I know how hard it is to get support for myself. Real recognize real. Besides her snapchat is hilarious and shorty badder then a 5 year old so you know I had to see for my own eyes lol. And, she hooked ya boy up with free headphones. But S/O ms FitThick aka Brittany Renner. Keep grinding....

Whats going on with BYOD? know I drop the May Inspirational Story of the month. If you haven't seen it then you've been under a rock. But, you know I got your the video below, like, comment, and share:
I'm excited for the T&T Basketball League I sponsor going on back home in Boston. Starting up in June. Gonna fly back home to show love of course. Once again I appreciate you reading this blog post and spread the news about Be Your Own Dad. O Btw when was the last time you check the website? Click the link below!
Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad 
Twitter, Instagram, and Vine: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD