Monday, June 22, 2015

Got caught slipping

I had to share two recents events that recently happened in my life. Both are great lessons to learn from. 

First event is literally sleeping on an  opportunity. As some of you may know I work overnights. So I usually sleep in the morning and wake up in the afternoon. One afternoon last week I wake up to a missed phone call and text for a hosting opportunity. I call the person back immediately once I get the doo doo out of my eye and he said it's too late...I thanked him for the phone call and hung up the phone. I was crushed! Couldn't help but think to my self "c'mon Jim!!" This whole time I'm working this job overnight to pay my bills patiently waiting for my time to enter into the hosting world and my first opportunity for it I was sleep. I didnt have to sleep going into the afternoon. I'm getting real lazy over here. And the realization of the situation is another opportunity may not come my way for another few months or maybe even a year....

My second event I want to share is a homie of mine is looking to be a musician. Recently, he was offered the opportunity to perform for a club. He told me and said he was going to pass up on it because he feels as if he isn't ready....I flipped out on him. I said "in life are you ever really ready for something?" Because we can practice and practice day in and day out but until we actually perform our skill and craft live where mistakes are possible then we're not ready for anything. I continued to say "do you know somebody out there is working twice as hard as you and wishing for the opportunity you just got presented for...but you wanna pass up on it.."

The main reason for today's post is to help bring to light that opportunities are rare. Especially opportunities in the field you want to be in. I'm talking about once in a blue moon rare...and when the opportunity arises 1. you can't literally and figuratively sleep on it and miss your chance. And like will smith said "if you stay ready you don't have to get ready" so 2. always be prepared and accept an  opportunity because you will never be as ready as you think you need to be! 

Use me as an example. The same guy that's been trying to motivate others to chase their dreams has been slipping on his own dream. I had an opportunity and I missed it. I'm still in square 1 when I could be in square 2. #BYOD is about learning from other people experiences so learn from my slip up and be ready when your opportunity arises. Until next time....

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad 
Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Happy Anniversary to BYOD!!!

1 year Anniversery!!!!! It's hard to believe to keep it real with you. This time last year the idea of my brand BeYourOwnDad came about. It was just a thought I came up with while attending a week long boot camp in LA called International Week put on by Marki Costello. She helped put my thoughts into a brand. And a year later the brand has a following, sponsors my hometown summer basketball league, was featured in my hometown newspaper, partnered up with a fellow inspirational campaign that featured me, networked and met others in a similar field as what I'm doing and gave people a platform to share their own story. Because believe it or not we all can learn from each other just by our experiences. BYOD gives us access to be each other's teachers and mentors without having to physically meet each other. 

I'm proud that I've created something that people support. More proud that I stuck with it. BYOD is something that I can call mine and nobody can take that from me. I just hope those reading this blog post will take the first step in building something that they can call their own as well. 

Few major goals I do have for the brand are to travel to Haiti and film my mothers story and to convert BYOD into a non-profit organization. In year 2 I'll be working to achieve those two major goals. So yeah...year 2 we are underway! Just have to work at it one day at a time. 

If you haven't seen the latest YouTube video check it here:

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad 
Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD