Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A true leader is the first person to set the example for how something is done or achieved

Just like that summer 2014 is coming to an end. As I type this I am sitting back and reflecting. In May 2014 I was busy working two full time jobs. I was working close to 90 hours a week and walking around like a zombie because I was so tired. While selling cars I would watch the owner of the dealership travel to each different dealership that he owned. I viewed as he was making sure everything was running as they should be. And it dawned on me that I'm apart of his dream. There is a quote that I will never forget and it goes like this: "start working on your dreams or someone will put you to work for theirs." As I stood there watching him pursue his dream I told myself change is coming. I don't know what or how but I have to make a change. I told myself summer of 2014 is going to be life changing.

Let's fast forward to the present. I have a whole different outlook for the word success. Success can't be measured by the number of digits on your check at the end of the week. My opinion of success is an internal level in which you feel you have reached and exceeded by overcoming your own expectations. So far I've been able to start my own brand: Be Your Own Dad. I have my own website! I have something that I can call mine. I can now share stories of individuals overcoming their life struggles. I can make a difference in my community as well as peoples' lives. I've had the pleasure of sponsoring the T+T Ballers Only basketball league in my own city.

If you haven't already please read my previous post concerning the sponsorship published 6/17/14 : First Sponsor

I sat down and had a chat with my good friend Apollos Wade (creator of the T+T Ballers Only League) in June 2014 and we asked each other "what's one goal we want to accomplish this summer concerning the league?" We came to the conclusion that we want the league to bring change. Our city doesn't have many activities going on during the summertime so we have to change that. The championship game for the league was this past Sunday. (Congratulations to the black team btw) Did we bring change you may be asking? Well we were featured in our city's newspaper! Check out below!

Please click here to view the article: http://www.tauntongazette.com/article/20140821/SPORTS/140828727/11172/SPORTS/?Start=1

The Be Your Own Dad brand focuses on overcoming life struggles and stresses the importance of goal setting. Just like Apollo and I did back in June we figured out what we wanted to accomplish and two months later we were successful. A leader is not one that commands his army/business from a seat or office. A true leader is the first person to set the example for how something is done or achieved.  Ultimately, resulting in their supporters following the lead set forth. As we close up the final days of August I am very excited for what has been accomplished with the brand and I am looking forward to what is to come. 

"Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood. And it's still all good" -B.I.G

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

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