Friday, December 29, 2017

End of The Year 2017 Recap

  The year 2017 has been a good year for me. There were both ups and downs but the good thing is I remember the UPs more than the downs. I grew a lot this year in a sense of mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. I began the year single, but ending it in a healthy relationship. I was able to accomplish one of my many goals which was traveling for work this year. And, I am very happy with everything that I was able to accomplish this year.
Jimmy V 2017
I was just looking back on all my work from this past year and wanted to share this post I made from the top of 2017: This post has reminded me that there have been many people before me that have set out to "chase" a dream and are now living the dream. The few people I did mention have all gone through trials and tribulations in their career. The "major key" to take away is that those people mentioned continued on and kept trying. Despite all the no's and failed attempts.

I also wrote this post the final day of 2016 which featured my first vlog episode. I want to share this post as well: After watching my vlog from a year ago I've realized I need to get my "hunger" back. Hunger not in a sense of I need food, but the feeling I first had when moving out here to California. The feeling of grinding day and night to continue to progress forward and make my name in this industry. Toward the end of this year I've been relaxing it feels like but I'm ready to get back in the ring and grind it out!

In 2018 I'm going to be making my official directorial debut! I've been composing scripts for my BYOD Curriculum and in 2018 I will be putting those scripts into production. I'm very excited to take this step and level up in my career. Can't wait to hear the feedback from you guys. I plan to make 2018 to be filled with a lot of joy, experiences, growth, and happiness.

For now I've made a highlight tape of the many things I did this year. I like reflecting on my past so I know where I'm heading to in the future. Check it out here:  

Lastly, I want to Thank You readers! Some of you have been on this journey with me since the beginning 3 years ago. I truly want to Thank You for your on going support from simply clicking on my blog and reading it to reaching out to me on Snapchat or Instagram. I never feel alone on this journey and that is because of you guys. Once again Thank You #BYODFAM!

Now, 2018 is all about the level up! Bigger and better. So, that means I'll be asking alot from you guys. I need your feedback. I've been watching Gary Vee build his empire and I want to do the same. I want to build a platform that serves a community of people that want to learn and help one another. I need your likes, I need your comments, I need your feedback so I can build off of what you guys like and don't like. I need to build my social media profiles to reach a broader audience. So, I ask if you like any of my posts to please share them with a friend or family. If you don't like a post please tell me why so I can figure out how to make them better. Lets communicate and build in 2018!

Thank You for checking the BYOD blog. Be sure to read previous posts and stay up to date with BYOD! VISIT the Website:
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Snapchat: tallchocomilk
Business & Sponsorship Inquires: -Jimmy V

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