Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A true leader is the first person to set the example for how something is done or achieved

Just like that summer 2014 is coming to an end. As I type this I am sitting back and reflecting. In May 2014 I was busy working two full time jobs. I was working close to 90 hours a week and walking around like a zombie because I was so tired. While selling cars I would watch the owner of the dealership travel to each different dealership that he owned. I viewed as he was making sure everything was running as they should be. And it dawned on me that I'm apart of his dream. There is a quote that I will never forget and it goes like this: "start working on your dreams or someone will put you to work for theirs." As I stood there watching him pursue his dream I told myself change is coming. I don't know what or how but I have to make a change. I told myself summer of 2014 is going to be life changing.

Let's fast forward to the present. I have a whole different outlook for the word success. Success can't be measured by the number of digits on your check at the end of the week. My opinion of success is an internal level in which you feel you have reached and exceeded by overcoming your own expectations. So far I've been able to start my own brand: Be Your Own Dad. I have my own website! I have something that I can call mine. I can now share stories of individuals overcoming their life struggles. I can make a difference in my community as well as peoples' lives. I've had the pleasure of sponsoring the T+T Ballers Only basketball league in my own city.

If you haven't already please read my previous post concerning the sponsorship published 6/17/14 : First Sponsor

I sat down and had a chat with my good friend Apollos Wade (creator of the T+T Ballers Only League) in June 2014 and we asked each other "what's one goal we want to accomplish this summer concerning the league?" We came to the conclusion that we want the league to bring change. Our city doesn't have many activities going on during the summertime so we have to change that. The championship game for the league was this past Sunday. (Congratulations to the black team btw) Did we bring change you may be asking? Well we were featured in our city's newspaper! Check out below!

Please click here to view the article: http://www.tauntongazette.com/article/20140821/SPORTS/140828727/11172/SPORTS/?Start=1

The Be Your Own Dad brand focuses on overcoming life struggles and stresses the importance of goal setting. Just like Apollo and I did back in June we figured out what we wanted to accomplish and two months later we were successful. A leader is not one that commands his army/business from a seat or office. A true leader is the first person to set the example for how something is done or achieved.  Ultimately, resulting in their supporters following the lead set forth. As we close up the final days of August I am very excited for what has been accomplished with the brand and I am looking forward to what is to come. 

"Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood. And it's still all good" -B.I.G

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rest in Peace to our future leaders (response to recent killing inFerguson, Missouri)

In this day and age I fear for the youth.  What's currently going on in Ferguson, Missouri brings pain to my heart. The young brotha was 18! EIGHTEEN YEARS old! Life was just beginning for Michael Brown. I remember at 18 during the summer time I was just like Michael Brown chillin with my boy. Kicking it (hanging out) as much as I could because we were leaving off to college come the fall time. Thinking I'm 18! Im grown now! But in reality still so young.

The events that have gone down this past week are tragic. Let's forget the fact that he was black for a second. A young man at the age of 18 was gunned down for no reason. Black/white/yellow it doesn't matter! We are killing our youth. We are putting fear in the upcoming generation. When I say "we" I'm referring to society btw. I have a nephew and he is 17. According to society he can't walk down the street now without getting harassed by a cop. He can't wear a hoodie on top of that because I guess that's the "I'm a criminal" outfit. This some bullsh*t. When is it gonna stop?

Then the police have the audacity to release a video of Michael prior to the incident trying to "justify" the officers actions. No!! boys in blue you guys aren't slick. I see right through you! There's a coin with 2 sides here. Side A: Michael committed a crime prior to the shooting and the officer was sent to investigate. Even if that was the truth (which we know is not) that doesn't give a officer a green light to pull out his gun and start shooting at a unarmed suspect.  They say "if the officer feels threatened he can draw his weapon"...if you pull up next to somebody attempting to grab them aka starting problems how threatened are you? Sounds like a bully in my book. He probably was trying to make his arrests quoto at last minute for all we know. Let's look at Side B: There was no prior crime committed. Michael and his boy were walking down the street. Once again there is no valid reason to approach these young men or pull out your weapon.

"Freeze! put your hands up! Hands up now!" I think we all have heard a police officer say that command at some point. Whether we heard it first hand or in a movie we know police utter those exact words. Young Michael knew that too because he put his hands up. Reports even say Michael started to get down on his own. Arms raised in the air is a non aggressive stance. Police command us to put our hands up so 1. To show we are complying with their instructions and 2. To show no weapons are available or drawn. So why would you shoot a person multiple times with their hands up?!? I think ill find Waldo before I get the answer to that question.

This post is to help recognize we are killing our future leaders of this world. I'm talking about future role models, future politicians, future athletes, future cure to cancer/ future civil rights leader, future Barack Obama, future Thomas Edison. I can go on for days. The mind is the most powerful weapon on this planet and we are leaving an individual with a badge to make the decision whether a person is going to reach their potential. This isn't a black or white thing....it's a right or wrong thing.
Prayers go out to the city of Ferguson. 

Rest in Peace Michael Brown
Rest in Peace Trayvon Martin

"Can you tell me why? Everytime I step outside I see my n*ggas die" -J.Cole

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad

-Jimmy V

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

What is the meaning of Family?

I'm hurt everybody. I'm in a real negative space right now. I just received a text from my "brother" to wish my "father" a happy birthday. I put both words in quotes because I don't understand the meaning of those words. 

Now let me just say I hate when people blast their information on social media sites and at the end say "don't hit me up" or "leave me alone". THEN WHY DID YOU PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE! Today's post isn't for attention or to get a response for anyone saying everything will be alright blah blah blah. I ain't with all that. I'm just spitting the truth right now. I'm a closed person but I need y'all to feel me right now.

The past 24 hours of my life have been real crazy. I witnessed one of my family members kick other family members out when they have no where to go. I'm stuck being the middle man trying to figure this out. I have two older brothers that I don't even know. They say blood is thicker then water but my shit is looking real anemic right about now.

One brother I'm cool with I can't front. But, I'm closer to his best friend then I am to him. "I'm my brothers keeper" is some bulllshit. (Idk random thought) Excuse my language by the way. I tend not to curse but if the shoe fits I'm wearing it. I have another brother that I don't even know. We lived together up to my college years but besides looks I don't know one thing about him. Everybody from my hometown will probably get a kick out of this because they know exactly who I'm talking about. Nobody on the outside never understood why we didn't get along. But, much like Jesus said " if you deny me in front of men I will deny you in front of my father" there is no love to be found or lost. "That's not my brother"......"I don't know that nigga"...just a few words I heard when I'm referred to by this particular "brother". Do I feel some type of way....I would be lying if I said no but if you ain't with me then your against me. Plain and simple. And he gonna text me telling me to say happy birthday to a father that didn't play his part...what! 

The females in my life is another story. I have a mother that gets the impossible done. I have a sister that legit turned her negatives into positives but always seam to get the short side of the stick. But, these two can't get along. It's so bad that holiday gatherings aren't even a option. I swear if they got along it would be the equivalent of Shaq and Kobe, Jordan and Pippen aka get shit done and make things happen.

It's funny because my sister is from my fathers side. So technically she is my family but not my mothers. But, family isn't about blood. When you love and support one another that's family. When you invest your time and love and receive the same back that's family. I tried to dig deeper to find the root of the problem between my mother and sister but I was told there isn't a issue. Somebody is lying to themselves. I can't force a mute person to talk and I can't make the blind see.

So now what? Being the creator of Be Your Own Dad I need to turn this negative situation into a positive one. I'll let you guys know if I ever do....I'm out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New feautre!

August is here!!! aka MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!! (8-21!) But, besides that we are closing up on the second month of the brand. I'm still working out the kinks for everything but overall i'm happy with how much the brand has grown. I recently added a email subscription application that allows you to sign up for the latest news and posts. This is a great way to keep updated with the brand because everybody doesn't have time to check the website or blog everyday. Everybody does check their email everyday though. So make sure to join the movement when you see the forum pop up. I know we all hate pop ups so I will be testing out if the method works better compared to a forum just on the contact page.

Believe it or not the T+T Basketball league has a few game days left before the playoffs. Its crazy how time has flown by. The fifth installment of the Sideline Story is being worked on but catch the latest webisode here:
I have the third inspirational testimony for the website coming soon. I know you guys are gonna love the story because I loved it. The story shows that the brand is working and effective.

Yesterday, I read a post on facebook that was shared. It was titled "the top 10 most boring communities in Mass". I had a feeling Taunton would be on the list and come to find out it was. Doesn't surprise me because I have been living here the past 10+ years. Reason why I bring the post up is because I want to change the atmosphere in this city. There isn't enough activities or events to do for young people. And we all know when you don't have anything to do you tend to get in trouble. The post is most likely one man/woman's opinion but its the truth. I believe this brand can make a strong effect on this city and the state when all is said and done. Just have to work on change and it will come.

Alright i'm out! Until next time stay cool like a igloo.

Website: http://www.beyourowndad.com/
Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad

-Jimmy V
 "Why not live with the drive to inspire, my ambition is flawless"-Wale

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