Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Knowledge Is Key

"Knowledge is Key" has been my new phrase lately. If you follow me on social networks such as twitter and snapchat you know I have repeatedly said the phrase over and over. I recently read the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho and all I can say is "WOW"! You ever get that feeling that you missed out on something good? Well that's how I felt after finishing the book. I don't want to ruin the book for those who haven't read it but I strongly suggest going out and picking it up. I enjoyed it so much I passed it on to a friend so he can learn from the book as well.

Now I know the people who have never opened up a book are saying "Read a book? What a nerd! You remember back in grade school when the teacher would constantly choose you or pick you first because you always knew the answer to a question. The "bullies" of the class would laugh and label you a teacher's pet or something like that. From that point on you don't like being made fun of so you choose not to answer questions in class. Let's examine that situation for a second shall we: (takes out magnifying glass) we would get teased because we knew the answer to a question. In other words because we succeeded in studying at that time and others were jealous of that so they chose to "hate". Ultimately, you second guess YOUR participation because of others. As children and teens we developed a mind set of acting a certain way to not get judged or labeled. What we need to do as we get older and "MATURE!" is undo those thoughts and actions. We were all born in our unique way to succeed. What happens is "friends", "teachers" and even adult figures tell us what we are doing is wrong so we change our actions because of them.

Easiest way to explain this is you just got out the shower. You're as clean as a baby's bum. You begin to progress in some way but your "friends" say you study too much or practice too much. There throwing dirt onto you! Now you continue in life with this dirt on you so you don't study or practice as much as before. Only hurting yourself in the long run because of what someone told you. What we all MUST do is shower ourselves of all the dirt we have ever been told and trust our instincts. Only do what your insides tell you. Don't do what others tell you because others don't always have your best interest....Feel me?

I'm gonna leave you guys with this: I think we can all agree the team that scores the most points in a game is the winner correct? OK how about the person with 1,000,000 dollars in their bank account is more rich money wise than the person with only 100 dollars correct? OK so why not choose to increase your knowledge by reading a book if we all know the more you have of something the greater chance your "winning"? Am I making sense or just typing for no reason........

I'm now reading "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne......Knowledge is Key everyone

"Street smart, and I’m book smart"-Jay Z

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

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