Tuesday, November 18, 2014

If you knew better, you'd do better

So this past week it randomly hit me that I have been slacking hardcore. I touched on it for a second in my most recent webisode which can be seen below but I have been focusing on the wrong social media outlet. As you guys know I have the facebook and twitter. I post daily to both. I've always had instagram too but for some reason didn't think to focus on that outlet as much as the other two. When I think about the past year instagram has really changed the game. A picture is worth a thousands words like they say. But, IG connects to an audience in a different way plus many people use it for business. I know I can do the same in my own particular way.

Building a brand surely isn't easy and you learn many different things along the way. Momma dukes (mom) has been screaming in my ear all month "if you knew better, you'd do better" and this realization is a clear example. I will be much more active on Instagram. I'm also on vine; kind of a day in the life type idea because vine is fun. You have to have fun or you will be caught in the idea of chasing your dream as "work". It has to be a mixture of both.

On a personal note I finally landed a job. GOD IS GOOD! The job doesn't have to do with tv hosting but its a secured pay check at the end of the week. I can focus more NOW knowing I can pay rent and everything else. That's one thing I keep hearing about everyone that moves to California. They come out here chasing their entertainment dreams. They spend all their money on classes and going out partying. And, they forget that rent is due on the first. Not this guy! Have to keep my priorities straight and dream chase everyday. I won't keep talking your ear off i'll catch you guys next Tuesday. "POP HOLD IT DOWN" lol (social media joke)

"They say I'm takin' long, I tell em patience is a virtue" -J.Cole

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad
Twitter, Instagram, and Vine: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

1 comment:

  1. Way to go jimmy...Some of us want things to happen yesterday. so yes patients is a virtue..Keep moving it and thriving..You will get a grip and once you get a grip you with get a hold of your dream so keep going in the right direction..Love following your journey!!!


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