Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Unnoticed Work

You ever feel like your work is going unnoticed? It's a horrible feeling....feeling under appreciated. What I'm talking about is like doing your homework and the teacher doesn't even check it. That ever happen to you in class....but we have to keep in mind homework is intended to truly benefit ourselves in the end.

I recently began attending hosting class again. We had a break for the month of December. I took this as time to put in work and stand out from the rest. Because those that work in the dark will shine in the light. Our instructor told the class back in October to begin to read out loud. It will help on pronouncing and transitions. I began that same night he told us. I need to put in work!

Fast forward to January. Class is back in session and it's my time to shine. I'm in class and the instructor calls on me to read off the teleprompt. I do my thing. He responds by saying "okay you need to start to read out loud." My thoughts are  "what did you just say!...Na my minds playing tricks on me. Did he just say start!" But, that was the harsh reality. I could of forced it and said a long speech on how I've been reading out loud for the past 3 months but my actions didn't show that. My performance isn't what is expected. 

So was my work a waste of time? I mean I tried and failed...right? No it wasn't because I now read more confident than I was 3 months ago. I now can pronounce words better. I understand commas are truly for a breathe in a sense lol. The homework I was given is helping me. Even though the instructor hasn't seen my homework I know I am benefiting off of it.

What I want to say is continue to grind and put in work. It may not seam that you are getting miles ahead of where you want to be but you are hundreds of feet from where you were before. Before you know it all the feet of work will equal out to a mile. 5280 feet in a mile if you didn't get that lol. I got ya back...stay cool

Btw first webisode for 2015 is up check it out below:

"But yet I put in work like a deposit on my bank account"-J.Cole

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad 
Twitter, Instagram, and Vine: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD

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