Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Embrace the Struggle

Struggle and Success pretty much go hand in hand. Much like lifting weights. There is a moment during your workout when your in pain and you think you can't go on. You want to just get one more rep but your body is struggling. Your at 9 but can't make it to 10. Feeling as if your at defeat. Then the pain comes. Your sore and dragging your arms and legs because the workout took a tole on you. The day after is always killer!!! Time to rest up.

Now the next workout day comes for that body part you were working on. Same work out, same work being put in, and same sweat dropping off your body. You just got nine reps and your going for the tenth. You go for it and it doesn't come easy but the tenth rep is done. Look at that! One day you come up short and the next time you succeed at it. Without the struggling the first time getting the tenth rep wouldn't feel as good. The struggle makes you stronger.

This months inspirational story is a great example of how struggle motivated a young female to do better. After dealing with drug issues within her family she chose to not become a steareotype and pursue her education. I feel honored because she decided to return to school this fall after viewing my website. And that's what BYOD is all about. Pushing people to better themselves when they feel like they can't. Listen to her story here: http://youtu.be/xDpt6LvU6GQ

Please step out your comfort zone to share your story. You never know who can relate to you. You can change a life without knowing it. 

"If you don't have a vision you're going to be stuck in what you know. And the only thing you know is what you've already seen." -Iyanla Vanzant

Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V

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