Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The REAL scoop on The Rap Game Reunion and what happend!?!

Yesterday, I filmed the finale Aftershow for The Rap Game. We pretty much covered everything that happened during the Rap Game Reunion show. But, I got the scoop on a few things...when the show aired the editing showed a clip where a few of the contestants were going back and fourth arguing. Then, the clip was cut and when the show returned 3 out of the 5 contestants were gone from the set. SO....what happened?

As discussed on my Aftershow my co-hosts and I agreed that the production team probably didn't want to bring the Lifetime network or The Rap Game show any negative energy or press. With that said it wouldn't be right to show any fighting of any sort especially being that this a show that cares to a young demographic (12-18). Check out the Aftershow below if you missed it:

After the reunion show was filmed here in LA my co-host and I were able to meet up with the cast and grab a bite.Not everybody made it to the dinner table though....Be sure to check my instagram @beyourowndad for the video of the cast and I. Now, I refuse to reveal names but as a superfan/host of the aftershow it's my duty to give all my followers the information that I come across. I was told that an actual fight went down and fists were thrown! It became so serious that contestants were forced to leave the set. One contestant had to go to the hospital, another contestant left with a battle wound, and another left with a story to tell. Who was involved and what happened to who is up to the contestants to share. I'm just a journalist.

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-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD

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