Wednesday, November 16, 2016

That time I met Gary Vee the 4x New York Best Seller!

Wassup #BYODFAM! I wanted to share some recent events with you. Earlier this year I became a fan of Gary Vee the outspoken entrepreneur. I came across one of his YouTube videos and have been hooked ever since. I enjoy his content so much that I went a step further and ordered one of his books. I can honestly say out of all the books that I've read this year I've learned the most business wise from Gary Vee. I recently finished his book last month. He's built multi-million dollar companies and he understands how to build a brand from scratch. The best part about who he is as a person is he shares his knowledge for FREE within his YouTube videos! And, he isn't a Princeton or Harvard graduate. Just a guy who understands the hustle and not afraid to put in the work. I truly enjoy his no bullshit straight to the point mentality. He doesn't sugar coat anything.

So, reason why I am re-introducing him once again if you haven't read my previous blog posts is because I was able to meet him yesterday! God is good and works in mysterious ways💯. I work overnights for those that don't know. I came into my shift thinking of picking up a overtime shift for the morning but I was hesitant. (First sign). It wasn't until later in my shift at 3 in the morning I was visited by my supervisor (which never happens) and she shared there was available OT would I want it? (Second sign) I then agreed and signed up.

So, at the conclusion of my normal shift which ended at 8 a.m I go to my new post to begin the OT shift. An hour into the shift a few "celebrities" walk through my door heading to set. I pay no mind because I see all different types of people at my job. But, what happened next was the surprise of my morning! Gary Vee walks through my door and I turn into a cheerleader lol. Not gonna lie, I was hype. I say "is that Gary Vee!?!" and he turns around and walks over to speak to me. Gary preaches in his videos to take advantage of every moment in life to expand your brand. So before letting Gary leave out of my sights I slip off my BYOD WRISTBAND (which I always keep one on my wrist to keep me motivated) and hand it to him. He gladly accepted it and mentioned to email him. I became HYPE!

I'm sharing this story with my #BYODFAM because if I didn't pick up the OT shift or have my BYOD wristband on me I would have missed a crucial networking opportunity. I believe everything happens for a reason in life you just have to pay attention to what God is doing for you. "If you stay ready you don't have to get ready!" I wear my BYOD wristband everyday to become the brand and to share it with anyone. Whether or not Gary replies to my email I am happy with myself for being ready. I hope those of you reading this will be ready when a opportunity comes your way. Until then keep grinding and putting in the work!

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-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD

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