Saturday, January 23, 2016

Fresh Dressed

Netflix just added a fresh ass documentary to their catalog called...wait for it....Fresh Dressed.  (I know you like what I just did there) Fresh Dressed is about the evolution of the Hip Hop clothing game. I'm not talking about the Walmart 2 for 9.99 clothes either. I'm talking about how Gucci and Luis Vuitton became the threads to have on in the 80s. It was the style, the look, the status as to what it means. What now is said to be "swag" was just the norm back then. And, all this began in New York all throughout the 5 burrows: Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. In the more predominantly black neighborhoods (to sound like the white man) the clothing really took off. It was to a point where you can tell where a person was from just based off what they wore. You could tell a Brooklyn cat from a Harlem cat if one had a Kango on and another had Adidas on.

The cool thing about this documentary was the producers really broke down how the clothing game was a major key in Hip Hop and how it was created. If you pay close attention you can watch how Hip hop is just like a blue print to building a brand. But, the crazy part is Hip Hop was so much more it was a culture. In the 80s when it all began you could recognize an individual that is down with the Hip Hop culture based on their clothing or style of dancing. As time went by the culture grew and now Hip Hop is majorly associated with music. Hence why fashion and Hip Hop music are one in the same.

I'm jealous because I was born when the culture was changing. Being born in '91 shows that I wasn't old enough to witness the transition from Adidas jumpsuits and shell toes to the baggy clothing of the 90s. But did witness in the 2000s when clothing transitioned into the white tee and large jersey phase. For now check out this fresh documentary that have interviews from Hip Hop moguls such as Nas, Diddy, Swiss Beats, Kanye West and many more.

Youtube Channel: Jimmy V/Be Your Own Dad 
Twitter and Instagram: @beyourowndad
-Jimmy V aka MR.BYOD

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